.com Cowboy -Blogisode 1

What is .com Cowboy? Learn more here.

Theme song. The Last Pale Light In The West, by Ben Nichols.    https://youtu.be/atuJzivuF1o

Casting call:  Team A


Ateam cast.jpg


See who didn’t get a call back.


Wilford Brimley


From the inception of this great country people have come to the West to make a new start and to find their fortunes.   This is a story about a cowboy named Stetson Roundy, who wasn’t looking for new start or for fortunes, or even for gold.  But for some reason, fortune found him.

Like most stories about the West.  If there is are fortunes to be found, then there is trouble ahead.  Stetson had to take a new course in his life.  And in the West, If want to make it on your own, you’ll have to fight against nature, other men, and even your soul.

Scene 1



Interior.  July 5th, Million Dollar Bar, Jackson Hole Wyoming.

Stetson Roundy sits at a small table leaning in to hear the advice of a New York stock broker named Xander (something).  They have been talking for 20 minutes and Stetson is pushing the whiskey for his new friend.

In a barely audible voice above the music and chatter of the crowded bar, Xander concludes his 5 minute lectures on stocks, dividends and other investment words that are all foreign to Stetson.


Thinking Stetson is just a cowboy he throws out a small sure bet for the guy buying him drinks.

“…But my friend if you want get in the market I would take a thousand dollars and buy Pioneer Energy Services Corp their symbol is PES.”

After a few more drinks and jokes about a movie called Broke Back Mountain, which Stetson had never seen, Xander gets up to leave.

In a slurred voice he says “I bid you farewell and leave you not a lover, but as a friend.”

Stunned, Stetson smiles cautiously and thinks – An odd thing to say, but maybe that is the way people in New York say good bye?


Interior. July 6th, The White Buffalo Club hotel, Jackson Hole Wyoming.

The next morning as the pounding headache surges, Stetson looks around at this 500 dollar a night suite and tries to remember the stock number or code as he called it.  After a few moments of contemplation he makes a decision.

Grabbing his new IPhone and trying to remember how to make call without real buttons he finds the number to his financial advisor Bob Metcalf.



“Hey bob, I meet a feller here in Jackson who is a big wig in New York City.  He gave me a stock tip.  I want you buy me some.


“Okay what is the name of the company?”


Thinking the name was Pioneer Energy Corporation…something, he concluded the code must be PEC.  “Well the code is PEC, I can’t remember the company name.”


“Okay how many shares to you want or how much money do you want to invest?”


“Well this guy said spend a thousand but he was little drunk. Let’s do five hundred thousand.”


“Are you sure?”




“Okay.  500K on PEC.”


Scene 2

Exterior. October, Beverly Hills California. Home of Norman Peal, Chairman of PEC.

The yellow cab pulls to the curb in front of a sprawling mansion.  The gate is open.

Cab driver:

“Okay Dude you are here. That is 60 bucks.”


Putting on his cowboy hat, he reaches for his billfold from his suite coat jacket and pulls out a hundred dollar bill and hands it to the cab driver.

Cab driver:

“Thanks. Do you want me to wait?”


Grabbing his leather carry-on luggage he steps out of the cab and leans into the passenger side window.

“Nah, I’m sure you have better things to do than wait for me.  I’ll just get another cab.”

Cab driver:

“In Beverly Hills, Okay dude, good luck.”


pest van

Parked on the street oppsite the open gate Stetson notices a van with a banner for Fred’s Bug Inspectors.  He then walks through the gate and up the drive way.  There are several dark vans parked in front of the drive way and a few young men packing the vans with boxes.  Their jackets have yellow bold letters FBI.  Stetson assumes that the gentleman wearing jackets work for Fred the bug inspector.  The front door is open and he walks past one of the FBI men walking briskly to the van.

INT.  The Home office of Norman Peal, Chairman of the board for PEC.


Walking into the hallway he follows the sound of activity toward the back of the house.

Hearing a man on the phone speaking angrily he steps into the office. The man looks at Stetson in his full western motif three peace suite, cowboy boots and hat.  The man hangs up the phone briskly.

“Are you Mister Norman Peal?”



Looking sheepishly at first then indignant.  “Yes that is me.  Who are you, the Attorney General of Texas? Tell me how did I screw your state?”


“Nope. I’m from Wyoming.

One of the men with an FBI jacket leaves the room with a box.

“You got a bug problem sir?


“Oh God I hope not!  Look I don’t think I do any business with Wyoming.  Whoever you are I’m busy here.  And what business do I have with you anyway?”


“Well my business is with you sir.  I have a letter here from you that says I’m the majority shareholder in a company called People Engagement Technologies Corporation in Silicon Valley.”


“Let me see that.”

Stetson hands Norman the letter after retrieving it from his bag.  Reading the letter and who it was addressed to, he then looks at the cowboy.

“Okay, Mister Stetson Roundy from Durant Wyoming, it looks like you invested  five-hundred thousand dollars in PEC.  Which does currently make you the majority stakeholder.  What do you want?”  He snarled defiantly.



“My dad always said if you put your cows in someone else’s field you need to visit the heard.  According to the internet, the People Engagement Technologies Corporation has offices in San Jose and their flag ship product is called Poke.”


“So you’re checking up on your investment?”




“You came all the way from Wyoming to just check up?


“Well things are starting to quiet down on the ranch and I thought I’d take a trip.”


Stunned more by this uninvited visitor than by the FBI agents seizing all of his records he saw an angle to exploit.

“So you like to take a hands- on approach to your investments?”


“Well, you should never trust a skinny baker.  And you should always eat your own steers.”


“Right. Well said.  You know I think the company is looking for your kind of leadership.  I think you could really dig in and help out.  How does that sound?


“Are you saying that I should take charge of this company?  Is that what a majority stockholder does?”


“Yes. Exactly.  That is part of your duty as a majority stockholder.  You need to get in there and round’em up, like a rodeo.  You need to be the boss. You need to sign off on all expenditures. In fact you need to sign everything at the company.

In fact let’s make it official.”

Peel picks up the phone and calls the president of the PEC

INT: Beth Comstock’s’ office, Silicon Valley.


Beth is looking at her computer screen and updating her LinkedIn page.  She was promoted to president and CEO of the company last week.  The phone rings.  She pick up the receiver.


“Beth, this is Norman.  I’m appointing a new CEO for the company. He will have complete oversight and needs to sign off on everything.”


“I don’t understand, what is happening?  You promised Norman?”


“Trust me Beth this is really the best thing for you and the company. Your still in charge of operations but the new CEO will be in charge of the company.”


“I thought I heard the glass ceiling breaking last week when you promoted me to CEO. I guess that was just the glass breaking on my rear end when you closed the door!”


“I’ll explain it all latter. I’ll send for you when it is safe.”


“What, what does that mean?”


“Got to run, literally. Thanks Beth.”


“Who is the new CEO?”


“I’ll have him come over.”


“Him, typical, boys club.  You know I knew this was going to happen Norman. You’re such a#$#$% …”


“That’s great.  See you soon or when I can.  Bye, bye.”


INT.  The Home office of Norman Peal.


Hanging up the phone with a large posed smile. He comes around his desk with his hand extended.

“She is really excited for this.  Congratulations you are now the new CEO of PEC.”


“Ah, okay.”


“I think you should go down their right now and start working with these guys.”


“Ah, okay.”


“Let me give you the address and you can fly up their today.”   Grabbing a piece of paper from his desk he writes down the address.

“In fact, if you drive to the airport now you can probably catch a noon flight. Be there at the office by 2pm.”


“I didn’t drive, I took a cab.  I’ll find one and then get back to the airport.”


“No, no, you better get an Uber.  Look Stetson, can I call you Stetson?  I think we have made a real connection here today. I know people, and you have the right kind of leadership to go in and really turn this company around.  Really make a difference.  And the team is eager to work with you and this is just going to be great.  Remember, you sign the paperwork.  You are in charge.”


“Ah, okay.”


“As you can see I’ve got a lot of stuff to do here. So please let yourself out.”


As he walks down the long hallway to the front door he notices a middle aged woman carrying a box and walking toward the same door as himself.

“Excuse me mam, do you work here?”


“Yes but not for much longer. In fact when I walk out that door I’m gone, no longer employed.”


“Sorry to hear that.  Do you happen to have phone book or the Yellow pages? Mr. Peal said I need to call an Uber cab but I don’t know what the number is?”


Looking at the cowboy quizzically.  “Are you kidding me? Because I’m in no mood?”




“So you need a ride but you know what an Uber is?”


“Nope. I don’t think we have those in Wyoming?”


“Where do you need a ride to Cowboy?”


“Back to the airport, LAX.”


“I’ll be your Uber.  It will cost you, four hundred dollars.”


“Okay, Ubers’ must be expensive here in Beverly Hills.”


Scene 3


INT: 2:15 pm.  Office of People Engagement Technologies Corporation (PEC), San Jose.

Tina noticed the incongruity of a cowboy, complete with hat and boots walking into the front door of PEC.  She gave him a curious smile as he approached the reception desk.


“Do you have a place I can hang my hat?”



“Um, I guess…um I don’t know.”


“Okay, I have appointment with Beth.  I didn’t catch her last name, I apologize.”


“Okay please wait here.”

Tina then walks briskly to Beth’s office and through her large office window they both look at Stetson Rowdy.


“Please follow me.”

INT: 3 pm. Office of People Engagement Technologies Corporation (PEC) at the reception desk.

Gathered around Tina’s desk, looking into Beth’s office, Ruby Sanchez, Ramsey Norris, Tim Lee, Marvin Gay, and Simon all watch Beth pace behind her desk, they see her body contort and her arms gestures as they detect loud vibrations of sound emanated from behind the large glass partition.



“She said he was the new CEO?”


“That is what she said.”



“She doesn’t look happy.”



“No she does not, the cowboy seems to be taking it well. At least he hasn’t shot her yet.”


“That’s not funny. If we had HR I’d report that as gun speech.”


“That is not a real thing.  Beside the new cowboy CEO probably likes guns.”


Simon:  positioned behind Tina, smells her hair.

“This is intense.”



“That is an understatement. This might be a hostile take over or they may be shutting us down.  This is how it all starts they bring in an expert and they start cutting things and people.  This is bad.”


“Right this is a hired corporate gun and he dresses like a cowboy just to through you off?”


“Maybe, whatever.  But this looks bad and it is bad.  We are all going to get fired.”


“I won’t let that happen.”

-Marvin rolls his eyes.


“We really don’t know anything.  This speculation is worthless.  Oh look, they are both standing up.”

The group scrambles back their desks.


INT: 3:10 pm Office of People Engagement Technologies Corporation (PEC) in the conference room.

After Beth called the team to the conference room she stands in front of them trying to keep it together.



“Okay guys, Mr. Peal, the chairman of our board, has appointed Mr. Stetson Roundy as the new CEO of PEC.”

They all stare at the cowboy.

“I have been discussing our current status with Mr. Roundy and I wanted to get us all together so that we are all on the same page.  I would like to turn some time over to him and then I’ll answer your questions.”


Stepping up in front of the group with hat in hand he looks earnestly the small group.

“You probably have a lot questions and so do I. You’re probably a little bit scared and uncertain about your future and so am I. I know you don’t know me.  And I don’t know you either.  I think before go any further I think we should get to know each other.  So let’s do some Introductions.  Let’s start with this young lady in the corner.”

Pointing to Tina.


“Hi, I’m Tina, I’ve been working here for 2 years.  I work in customer support.”

Following the cadence the person next to Tina introduced herself.


“I’m Ruby and I’ve been working here for 4 years and I’m a product manager.”


“I’m Ramsey Norris, I’m the director of operations. I’ve been with the company for 2 and half years.”


“I’m Tim Lee, lead developer.”





“I’m Garrett, a developer.”


david K



“I’m uh, David.  I cook the books. I’m the accountant.”





“Hey, I’m Aiden.  I work with the dev team.”





“Jon Krakenauer.  When I work, I do stuff for the website.”

A hint of nervous laughter ripples the room.  Stetson smiles.


“Hi, I’m Marvin Gay, that’s right, -Marvin -Gay.”

Stetson shows no level of recognition of the name.

“I work in sales, which means you all work for me.”

A guffaw of laugher from the group.


“Hi I’m Simon, I work for Ramsey.”


“Thank you.  As you might have guessed I’m not from around here.  I’m from a small town in Wyoming.  I invested in this company and unexpectedly was appointed president.  Those are the facts. We are in this together.  What are your concerns? What do you need from me?”

The brief awkward silence was broken, as they expected, by Ramsey.


“What is your vision for this company and what else do we need to do with our Poke product in order to win?”


“That is the central question isn’t it.  That’s a tough one.  What do you think?”


“We are a disruptive technology and as such we win by wining market share.  I think our major problem is awareness.  I think we need a more competitive marketing campaign to get that market share.  Also, we have some product features that would help us grow. We also have several markets we haven’t gone into and we need to make strategic decisions about that.”


“I like your thinkin.  Tomorrow I would like to take some time and look at your business more closely and your software. Who can help me with that?”


“I will.”


“Wonderful.  Any other questions?”

Shaking off the shock of these events, for the next 22 minutes the group asked questions about benefits, stock price, layoffs, new hires, and capital investment. Stetson offered no concrete answers but took the time to understand each question. 

“Thank you all for your questions.  Beth anything to add?”


Looking haggard she stands up and asks “Are there any other questions.”

The group, perhaps exhausted from the emotional trauma of these events, had no more questions.


INT: Office of People Engagement Technologies Corporation (PEC) in Ramsey’s desk.

Ramsey: Speaking to Simon and his desk.

“See what he did there.  He didn’t really share anything about himself but he knows a lot about us.  Smart.  Now he knows who to fire.”

Simon submits a worried face.


“Don’t worry I’m sure they won’t let you go.”

Simon looks a Tina from across the office.

“Yea that would be very bad.”

Ruby who overheard this exchange pipes in.

“I didn’t think that was the intent. I liked how he listen and wanted to understand.”


“Will see.”


INT: Office of People Engagement Technologies Corporation (PEC) at reception area.

Stetson speaking to Tina

“I need a ride to a hotel. Are you an Uber?”



Scene 4

INT: 9 am Office of People Engagement Technologies Corporation (PEC) in the conference room.

Jon, Ruby, and with the insistence of Ramsey being present, are with Stetson in the conference room.


“Poke.com is a potential customer engagement software system designed to interact with prospects who do not complete online trials or other web events.”

Ruby pulls up the software on the large screen at the end of the conference room.  And for the next 15 minutes goes over the features of the product.


“So let me see if I get this straight. You are trying to get people to buy what they tried but didn’t like it and you’re customers are not your customer but someone else’s customers.”


“Well yes..”

Ramsey interjects:

“The market problem here is that only 40% of people buy after a trial of a software or a product or a service. We are targeting that 60% that don’t buy after they try.”


“So who is your customer?”


“We have many software providers, webinar providers and a few other markets we are targeting. They have different customer profiles.  We target the common traits of those diverse customer bases.”

hereford.jpgGalloway SM.jpg


“This reminds of a time my uncle Billy tried to find his cow.  Here is how the story goes.  A while back my Uncle Billy’s bull broke out of the pasture and found his way to Joe Martin’s pasture.  Now Billy’s cows are Galloways’, they have a white center ring -look an Oreo cookie. Anyway, Joe’s cows are Herefords’, all brown.  Billy got his bull back but a few months later, when the calf was born it was apparent that some shenanigans has occurred.  Then that calf wandered into the Broadbent’s place, and that was were Billy found him.


So the question was whose calf was this?  It came from Billy’s bull and Joe’s cow, but was born on Joe’s ranch, then ended up at the Broadbents?”


“I literally have no idea what you’re talking about?”


“So are you trying to say…”


“Is this a lesson in branding?” Cutting Ruby off.


“Yes in part.”


“Are you saying we need to better understand who our customer is?”


“It is always good to know.  Let me ask you when you contact a new client who is your customer, do you say your PEC or Poke?”


“I think we say both?”


“Might be confusing to people?”


“Yeah, its get better, a lot of people who come to our site think it is a porn site.  I call it the,  I want a pec and poke user persona.”


“Branding cattle is both real and symbolic.  I wonder if there is a way to know your customers’ customers and offer more serve?”


“While I was at Harvard I wrote a paper about this very thing.  What we can do is not only take their potential customer list but we can create profiles and target campaigns to win them back, but we can also become a hub for trail solutions all branded with Poke so that all of our customers understand who we are.”


“Well said. That is an interesting idea.  How would you validate that idea?”


“I’ll create position paper on this and we can ideate and create a funding proposal.”


Scene 5

INT: 3pm Office of People Engagement Technologies Corporation (PEC) Beth’s office.


Standing at the door way looking at Beth as she stares are her computer monitor.

“Beth, can we take a walk?”


“Walk, nobody walks.”

She smiles and gets up from her desk, slips off her high heels and puts on some flats.

EXT: 3:05 Office of People Engagement Technologies Corporation (PEC)


“I want to apologize for the fix that I’ve placed you in.”


“It’s not your fault.  Norman made this decision.  Let me ask you.  You had a day to look over the company and work with the people.  Is this what you really want?  Is a dot com business your passion?


“Fare question:  this reminds me…”


“Please, no stories about cows.”


“This one is about horses!”


“Okay you got me.”



“My dads grandfather was named William.  He grew up in Boston.  One day a Wild West show came to town and he saw the show and then talked to the horse trainer.  They talked about the job and about the money that could be made raising horses and training them for other people.  Now William didn’t know squat about horses.  His father was a merchant and worked on the docks in shipping or something like that.

William saw an opportunity.  He didn’t have a passion for horses then.  The moved to St. Louis and starting raising, training and selling horses.  He was good at it.  His passion grew after he took hold of the opportunity.”


“So this is your opportunity?”


“It is more than just an opportunity, it is my responsibility as well.”


“Okay I buy that.  So what do you want to do with the company?”


“I really don’t know yet.  When I first heard about your software, a people engagement software, I thought it was dating site. I thought you were in competition with Farmers Only dot com.”

Beth giggles and smiles.

“Frist, I need to return to Wyoming and finish up a few things, buy a house hear in San Jose.  I’ll be back in a week.”


“Then what?”


“We work the problem, we work the work and we all try to turn things around.”


“Sounds good.  What do you want me to do until you get back?”


“From what I can tell these are some good folks.  I think you have to let them understand you’re in this with them.  Its not about what you say, it’s about how well you hear them.  You have to turn their fear into faith and that faith turns into cooperation and action.”


“Okay, I’ll work on that.  When you come back next week will you be riding a white horse?”


“How did you know?”




People sometimes act like cows.  They group together when there is danger and you have to lead them from danger, not push them.  Of course people are not like cows and Stetson knows that and what he did first was not try to be the loudest cowpoke in the room and fake his way into leading them. He listened to them and from that listening he began to understand how they thought, how they felt and what they would be willing to give toward the good of the company.  Stetson has a hard road ahead of him and he is clearly neck deep in troubled waters.  But sometimes the only way out is through.  This situation will test him and we will see what he is made of.  One thing that Stetson knows and I think Beth knows it too, is that when Stetson makes a commitment, he is like the West – Unbendable!


–End Blogisode–

Credits song:  Mammas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys (Waylon & Willie)





Next blogisode:  #1.1 Spiritual Healing and Corporate Strategy


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